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cadet familyの例文


  • he was the imagawa clan , a branch family of the kira clan which was a cadet family of the ashikaga clan whose ancestor was minamoto no yoshikuni , a son of minamoto no yoshiie who was chinju-fu shogun (commander-in-chief of the defense of the north ) and the head of the kawachi-genji clan (minamoto clan ), a branch family of the seiwa-genji (minamoto clan ).
    家系は清和源氏の一家系 河内源氏の棟梁 鎮守府将軍源義家の子 源義国を祖とする足利氏の一門 吉良氏の庶家 今川氏。
  • generally , it is said that jimyoin-to ' s ancestors are the current imperial family; but the legitimate highbred of jimyoin-to , go-kogon ' in-ryu was extinguished after the generation of emperor shoko , son of emperor go-komatsu , and strictly speaking the direct ancestor of the imperial family is the fushimi-no-miya family , which was in the position of a cadet family (the descendant of emperor suko , suko ' in-ryu ) of jimyoin-to .